Madri surrogate in Messico

Madri surrogate in Messico

Al World Child Center, siamo orgogliosi delle nostre madre surrogate e delle donatrici degli ovociti. Ci assicuriamo che si sentano a proprio agio e ben curati durante il loro soggiorno con noi.

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Madri surrogate in Messico

In most of the states, Mexico surrogacy law allows only for gestational surrogacy.
The eggs required for conception are not provided by the surrogate mother. That means there is no biological link between the child and surrogate mother- contrary to traditional surrogacy, which is not supported by the law of Mexico.

In Mexico, surrogate mothers undergo a variety of medical and psychological assessment at IVF clinics before and throughout the pregnancy.

  • A surrogate mother in Mexico must have at least one child of her own with successful pregnancies.
  • Surrogates in Mexico are typically between 21 and 37 years old.
  • They undertake a series of medical steps, including infectious diseases and uterine receptivity.

Ongoing counselling and support are provided to surrogates throughout the pregnancy by the surrogacy agency in Mexico. Surrogates live in their homes during the surrogacy program, with the full support of their friends and family as well as the full support and help from the agency.

Below is a short summary of the whole process:

Short summary of the whole surrogacy process:
Choose a surrogate mother
1 Step

Choose a surrogate mother

Legal formalities
2 Step

Legal formalities

3 Step


Creating embryos
4 Step

Creating embryos

Embryo transfer
5 Step

Embryo transfer

Birth and welcoming the newborn
6 Step

Birth and welcoming the newborn

Interview with
a surrogate mother

Interview with <br>a surrogate mother play

Meet Maryna, our wonderful surrogate who has given birth to a baby boy for a Brazilian couple in December 2019. Most of the surrogates are driven by the desire to help others become parents combined with an opportunity to improve their own economic situation. Watch Maryna talk about her experience to learn more.

Vi aiuteremo a creare una famiglia dei vostri sogni.
Tutto quello che dovete fare è:
Compilare il modulo di richiesta
1 Passo

Compilare il modulo di richiesta

Ottenere una consulenza gratuita con il nostro manager
2 Passo

Ottenere una consulenza gratuita con il nostro manager

Iniziare il vostro programma
3 Passo

Iniziare il vostro programma


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